Our Accounts were in a mess, we were miscalculating GST, returns were pending and working Capital was an issue. And then we met Suchita Gupta who became a one stop shop for all our financial problems. She gave us her valued input on how to take our start-up forward, helped us in getting our accounts on track and get our financials up to date.
Though not in her scope of work Suchita further assisted us in getting a loan to ease our working Capital requirements and introduced us to a good marketing/ Advertising Agency which we are now using. Thank You Suchita for being a part of uNidraa.
I had the pleasure of working with Shuchita who along with her teammanaged the entire finance function for adda52 . She not only helped us being compliant and up to date on the direct/indirect tax, capital budgeting and auditing front but also successfully got our due diligence complete before time for multiple rounds of funding and final merger with delta Corp.